My horse Diva has always been a little bit of a challenge to keep under control due to her being able to figure things out quickly. Smart horses become easily bored and then get into trouble. When I first met her trouble was her middle name. When I bought her I took her back to timed events for a few years, but wanted to do more with her. Then I went to see an ultimate trail challenge and I thought how cool would it be to be able to get her to do that. At first it was only an idea until a friend started a fun day trail challenge series. I watched a few and then took Diva to her first clinic. We had a rough go when we started 6 months ago and I was told you will never be able to teach your barrel horse to back quietly through the obstacle one foot at a time. Now Diva will back through an L and do almost anything I ask her. We now place at the same fun shows we use to watch and my daughter just placed 8th at 4H state in western trail. Not bad for a barrel horse who was told she would never be able to do it. We finally found a calling for our girl and her challenging personality. Now if we could only get her to be nice to the barn cat.
Dawn and Diva reside in Alabama. Many thanks to Durvet Apple Wormer for sponsoring "This is my Trail Horse". Diva will receive a gift from Durvet. www.applewormer.com
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